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Mar 20, 2020

Tires | Jordan Ford Tires are an essential piece of equipment on your car when it comes to your safety. Good tires can mean the difference between safely getting to your destination or possibly getting into an accident. While there is no way to know exactly how long a tire will last, there are some signs that will tell you that they are starting to wear thin. Since the life span of a tire depends on where you drive, how you drive, and the condition of the roads here is how to know when you need new tires.

The Age of the Tires

Regardless of how much tread is on your tires, many vehicle and tire manufactures recommend that you replace tires after six to ten years. The reason for this is because the rubber compounds will deteriorate over time. This can result in cracking and tread separation. Cracks can occur inside the tire, so you don’t see it happening, and the tire can fail, causing an accident. There is no way of predicting the date that a tire will expire because factors such as heat, how it’s stored, and the conditions of its use can affect the rubber. It’s always better to be cautious.

The Depth of the Tread

It is extremely important to check the tread. If you want to do a quick test on your own, find a penny and place it upside down in a groove of the tread. If you can see all of Lincoln’s head, the tread is low, and it is time to replace the tire. If the penny goes only as deep as Lincoln’s forehead, then the tread is probably in good shape.

It is important to check the tread because the groove in the tread is what allows it to keep traction with the road. The tread is also what allows the water to escape when the roads get wet to help keep you from hydroplaning.

Falling Air Pressure

If your tire is continuously losing air pressure, it most likely means it has a small leak. Depending on the size of the leak, its location, and the age of the tire, you could have it patched, or you should just replace the whole tire. If you find that one of the tires will not hold air, make sure to bring it into your service station and have it looked at. A professional will let you know if it should be replaced or if it is possible to just repair it.

Uneven Tread Wear

Just like low tread is a sign that a tire needs replacing, uneven wear is also a sign. If one part of the tread is lower than another, you should replace them. This is also a sign to check the tire inflation and have the alignment checked.

Make sure to watch for these signs that you need new tires, and replace them as soon as you can. It can mean the difference between a safe ride and one that ends in an accident.