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Dec 3, 2021
In many ways, a car’s engine is like its heart. And if anything goes wrong with the heart, the whole vehicle can suffer or break down entirely. That’s why, if you spot any issues with your engine, the best thing to do is visit your local Ford dealer for an engine diagnostic service. Below, we’ll go over some of the most common signs that may appear when a diagnostic is required.Check Engine Light


6 Signs You Should Get an Engine Diagnostic for Your Ford at the Ford Dealer

1. Check Engine Light

The “Check Engine” light is a useful feature in modern cars that lets you know when something is wrong with the engine. It appears when the car detects some kind of issue, but the only way to really know the extent of the problem is to get a diagnostic. So, if you see this warning light, don’t ignore it.

2. Stalls

It can be quite worrying when your engine just loses power randomly while driving, otherwise known as a stall. Some stalls are caused by human error, but if your car stalls repeatedly with no clear explanation, there could be an engine issue under the hood.

3. Slow Starts

Usually, when everything is working correctly, your car should start almost instantly as you turn the key in the ignition. However, if something is wrong with the engine, you might need to turn the key a few times and wait a while for the car to get going. This isn’t just inconvenient; it can also be a sign of serious engine trouble, so make sure to book a diagnostic if you find yourself dealing with slow starts.

4. Performance Issues

You might also begin to notice subtle changes in the way your car performs on the road when the engine needs some sort of repair or servicing. For example, you might need to accelerate a little harder and longer to reach high speeds on the highway, or your car might feel a little hesitant or slow when pulling away from a stationary position.

5. Mileage Decreases

If your engine isn’t working correctly, it might start to burn more fuel. This could be due to something simple, like oil that needs changing, or it could be connected to something more serious, like a damaged injector system. Either way, a diagnostic can help you solve the mystery and stop having to spend so much at the gas pump.

6. Strange Smells and Noises

Have you noticed any popping, hissing, or other odd sounds coming from under the hood of your car? How about weird smells like burning chemicals or fuel? If anything smells or sounds wrong, it’s likely that your vehicle’s engine has an issue, and a diagnostic at the dealer will help you learn more and fix whatever is amiss.

If you see any of the signs listed above, or any other unusual issues with your car’s performance, don’t delay. Get the help you need from trusted mechanics at a dealer near you. Call Jordan Ford to arrange diagnostics and other essential auto services.