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Dec 10, 2021

The air filter is the first line of defense for your car’s engine. It removes dust, dirt, and debris from the air that enters it. If this should ever get clogged up or dirty, you’ll find that your gas mileage will go down, and you might even end up with some damage to your engine. Here are five signs that indicate it’s time for a new car air filter at your Ford dealer.Car Air Filter San Antonio, TX

Signs You Need a New Car Air Filter at Your Ford Dealer

Reduced Gas Mileage

A reduction in fuel economy is a reliable symptom of a filthy air filter in an older carbureted vehicle. The carburetor ensures that the air and fuel are mixed in the right proportions for burning. When your engine doesn’t get enough fresh air, it may adjust by consuming more gas to provide the power it requires. If you notice your car consuming more fuel than usual despite taking your normal routes, you should bring your car to your local dealer for a check-up

A Decrease in Engine Power

Each drive draws polluted air into the engine, and air filters keep debris, dust, grime, and bugs out. However, the air filter will become congested if it is not changed regularly and will prevent enough air from entering the engine. As a result, the engine will perform less effectively than it should, and you may notice your car having a difficult time with acceleration. Bring your car to your local dealer for a proper check-up and diagnosis if you notice this happening.

Misfiring Engine

When the air filter is filthy, it means that less air is flowing into the engine. This can result in an increase in unburnt gasoline that turns into soot residue. Soot can accumulate on the spark plug tips, preventing them from producing a good spark. As a result, the car can jerk, idle, and the engine may misfire in some cases. You should bring your vehicle to your local dealer if you notice this happening often and have a mechanic inspect it thoroughly.

Strange Engine Noises

When an automobile is idle, it should make a distinctive hum. However, a clogged air filter can restrict the amount of air delivered to the combustion chamber, resulting in sputtering, popping, or cough-like noises. You may also experience vibrations accompanying these odd noises. If you hear these strange sounds, you should get in touch with your local dealer and schedule an appointment to have your car properly evaluated by a professional.

Air Filter Looks Dirty

Opening the hood and inspecting the air filter will let you evaluate its condition. The majority of air filters are white, and you should be able to see through them if they’re clean and illuminated with a flashlight. Air filters that aren’t working properly will appear caked, clogged, and filthy. If you see your air filter in a less-than-ideal state, you should bring your car to your local service center for a professional check-up.

The best way to keep your Ford running in tip-top shape is by simply making sure you have a fresh air filter installed. For more information about the importance of having an up-to-date air filter, contact Jordan Ford today! We look forward to hearing from you and helping make your purchase process as easy and enjoyable as possible.