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Jun 3, 2022

Your Ford’s engine is an excellent piece of engineering and one of the reasons you chose your car. All mechanical will inevitably suffer damage, and you may develop engine problems. As your trusted Ford dealership in San Antonio, TX, we can help you. These are a sample of some problems that can occur and that we can repair for you.Ford Service San Antonio, TX

3 Engine Problems That Should Be Fixed at Your Ford Dealership

Coolant Leak

Coolant circulates through your engine, and its purpose is to control the temperature in your engine. This coolant absorbs heat from your engine and is pumped into the radiator, where the heat is exchanged for cool outside air. Without coolant, your engine would not be able to reduce its temperature, and this would rapidly cause your engine to overheat.

Coolant is pink, green, blue, or yellow, so it’s relatively easy to spot if it’s leaking on the ground under your car. There are many possible sources for a leak, including a damaged radiator, worn radiator hoses, or even a leak in the coolant reservoir. If you drive when your coolant is low, your car will start to overheat. Our technicians will trace the source of the leak and repair it.

Timing Chain

Your timing chain synchronizes the movements of the camshaft and the crankshaft. This tough metal chain is emplaced inside the engine, and it ensures that engine valves open and close at the right times. This allows fuel to enter the engine and exhaust fumes to leave the engine. If your timing chain fails, your engine won’t work.

Some of the symptoms of a timing chain problem are rattling noises and engine misfiring. The check engine light may also light up, and this is due to a failing chain disturbing the synchronization of the opening and closing of the engine valves. The check engine light, however, can be active for many reasons, not necessarily just a chain problem. Our technicians will check and replace the belt if it’s causing the problem.

Catalytic Converter

Catalytic converters have been installed in all vehicles in the US since the 1970s. They convert the dangerous gases created by combustion in your engine into less harmful ones to reduce pollution. The converter fits into your Ford’s exhaust system and will reduce pollution by up to 99%. The converter can wear out or get damaged in time and need replacement.

If the converter fails, you’ll notice black smoke billowing from your exhaust and a strong stench of sulfur dioxide. Both of these are signs that the converter isn’t working correctly. It may not need replacement, but these are signs that it does need to be checked ASAP. If you drive with a damaged converter, you can cause long-term damage to your engine.

These are a few of the possible problems you might encounter. The good news is that we have the technicians and parts to repair all of them for you. If you suspect a problem with your engine, call our service department at Jordan Ford.