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Feb 24, 2023
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When your car starts having electrical problems, it can be a stressful and frustrating situation. From strange buzzing noises coming from the stereo system to headlights dimming while you’re on the road, you may feel powerless in the face of such issues. However, visiting your local Ford dealer could help get such issues sorted out once and for all. Here are four common signs your car is having electrical issues.

Dim Headlights

If you’ve recently noticed that your car’s headlights have begun to dim, it may be a sign that the electrical system is malfunctioning. This can happen if your battery or alternator isn’t providing enough power to the vehicle or if there’s a bad connection in the electrical wiring. Whatever the cause, it’s crucial to address this issue as soon as possible, as dimmed headlights can pose a serious safety hazard while driving at night.

Dead Battery

If you’ve ever been stranded in a parking lot with a car that won’t start due to a dead battery, then you know all too well the feeling of frustration. You may not be able to put your finger on it immediately, but this is often a sign that the electrical system of your vehicle is malfunctioning. It could be anything from corroded cables, alternator issues, faulty power outlets drawing more power than they should, or other related concerns.

Smell of Burning Plastic

If you catch a whiff of burning plastic while you’re driving your car, it’s a strong sign something significant has gone wrong with the electrical system. In these cases, you should act quickly and turn off the car as soon as possible to reduce the risk of melting wires igniting any parts of the vehicle.

Trying to locate and repair the fault yourself isn’t recommended either since malfunctions to do with electricity involve high risk. Instead, your best option is to call your local car dealer for proper diagnosis and repair.

Flickering Gauges

It’s crucial to take notice when any of the gauges in your vehicle begin to flicker or flash erratically. This may be caused by a short circuit, loose connections, or faulty electronics within the wiring. In some cases, certain gauges may even go off completely if a major issue exists with your car’s electrical system.

Our factory-trained technicians are experienced in diagnosing and fixing any electrical issues that you may encounter with your Ford vehicle. We also understand the importance of timely service, so we will ensure to get you back on the road as soon as possible. Furthermore, we ensure that all parts used to repair your vehicle are of the highest quality. Visit us at Jordan Ford in San Antonio, TX, and rest assured, knowing your car is getting the best care!